Master of Arts in Library and Information Sciences

Master of Arts in Library and Information Sciences

Course Title

Master of Arts in Library and Information Sciences

MQF Level


Duration and Credits

6 Semesters


Mode of Study

Part-time Evening

Information for International applicants

Applicants must be in possession of:

Refer to the list of country-specific qualifications

  1. a first cycle degree obtained with at least Second Class (Honours) or Category II in Knowledge and Information Management, awarded by this University or any other higher education institution recognised by Senate or
  2. a first cycle degree obtained with a Third Class (Honours) or Category III in Knowledge and Information Management, awarded by this University or any other higher education institution recognised by Senate, provided that such applicants shall be required to submit a portfolio documenting and describing proven professional experience in the library, archive or information management sector, which experience was obtained following their first cycle degree. Applicants in possession of the degree with Third Class (Honours) or Category III shall be allowed to proceed to the research component subject to the attainment of an average mark of at least 55% in the taught component or
  3. a first cycle degree obtained with at least Second Class (Honours) or Category II in any other subject, awarded by the University or any other higher education institution recognised by Senate, provided that they satisfy the Board that they are in possession of other qualifications, including relevant experience, obtained following their first cycle degree.

The Admissions Board, on the recommendation of the Faculty Admissions Committee, may admit into the Course applicants in possession of the Diploma in Library and Information Studies with at least a Merit classification, obtained from this University, or an equivalent qualification obtained from any other higher education institution recognised by Senate. Such applicants shall be required to demonstrate the learning achieved through prior experience and certification through the evaluation procedures established by the University Policy for the Recognition and Accreditation of Prior Learning (RPL). The admission of such applicants may be made subject to those conditions that may be imposed to address any lacunae in the applicants' academic preparation.

Applicants in terms of paragraph (b) and (c) shall be interviewed by a board appointed for the purpose, to assess their suitability to follow the Course with profit.

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You can submit your application online. The deadlines for submission of applications vary according to the intake and courses. We encourage all international applicants to submit their applications as soon as possible. This is especially important if you require a visa to travel and eventually stay in Malta.

You can compare your national qualifications to the local requirements by visiting our qualifications comparability webpage. Access more information about our admission process and English language requirements.

The University of Malta has student accommodation on campus called Campus Hub. Campus Hub is just a 2-minute walk from the main campus. For more information, visit the accommodation website.

Our dedicated team at the student recruitment office is here to support you every step of the way. From the moment you start your application to the moment when you receive your decision letter, we're here to assist you. If you have any questions or need further information, don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us at, and our team will be more than happy to help.

After you receive an offer from us, our International Office will assist you with visas, accommodation and other related issues.

The course is designed to provide specialised training and the required national and international practical and theoretical skills for librarians and information professionals. The degree promotes research in the field by integrating traditional and digital theories and practices. It also aims to enhance librarians and information professionals' careers and give them a body of knowledge and experience to position themselves in the local and international communities. The degree is structured around the concept of a one-year common compulsory course that covers the main library and information theories and practices. After the first year, you will be asked to choose between: Stream A ֠Library and Information Management; Stream B ֠Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Semester 1
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
LIA5015 Research Methods 5 ECTS    
LIA5031 Introduction to Libraries: Theory, Principles and Practices 5 ECTS    
LIA5032 Cataloguing Standards, Authority Files and Classification 5 ECTS    

Semester 2
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
LIA5016 Introductuion to Electronic Records and Digital Humanities 5 ECTS    
LIA5018 Legal and Ethical Issues of the Information Professions 5 ECTS    
LIA5034 Reference, Information Services and Methods of Evaluation 5 ECTS    

Summer Semester
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
LIA5000* Dissertation 30 ECTS    

* Work on the dissertation is expected to start in Summer Semester of Year 1 and continue up to the end of the course.

Requirement for regular progression to Year 2: 60 ECTS credits

Students are required to choose either Stream A: Library and Information Management or Stream B: Rare Books and Manuscripts
Semester 1
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)

Stream A: Library and Information Management
LIA5036 Library Management 5 ECTS    
LIA5037 Technology and Digital Resources 5 ECTS    
LIA5038 School and Academic Librarianship 5 ECTS    
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)

Stream B: Rare Books and Manuscripts
LIA5017 Palaeography and Diplomatics 5 ECTS    
LIA5042 History of Libraries 5 ECTS    
LIA5043 Manuscripts and Early Modern Books Cataloguing 5 ECTS    

Semester 2
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)

Stream A: Library and Information Management
LIA5039 Library Systems and the Web 5 ECTS    
LIA5040 National, Public and Special Libraries 5 ECTS    
LIA5041 Publishing and Literacy Trends 5 ECTS    
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)

Stream B: Rare Books and Manuscripts
LIA5007 Melitensia Typologies: Books 5 ECTS    
LIA5030 Preservation, Conservation and Holdings Management 5 ECTS    
LIA5044 Historical Bibliography 5 ECTS    

Summer Semester
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
LIA5000* Dissertation 30 ECTS    

* Work on the dissertation is expected to start in Summer Semester of Year 1 and continue up to the end of the course.

Requirement for successful completion of Year 2: 60 ECTS credits

Requirement for award of Master of Arts in Library and Information Sciences: 90 ECTS credits

This programme of study is governed by the General Regulations for University Postgraduate Awards, 2021 and by the Bye-Laws for the award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Library and Information Sciences - M.A. - under the auspices of the Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Interpret the main theories and apply best practices of the library profession to become active members of the international and information library community;
  • Outline the local dimensions of the Maltese libraries and information providing sources with its peculiarities and place it in the international context.
  • Analyse the main concepts, theories, and standards applicable to the library and information domain
  • Apply best practices in the field of managing, preserving, cataloguing collections, planning outreach activities, creating access and provide services to users
  • Categorize the panorama of Maltese libraries and information providing centres, and communicate its richness and diversity within the profession and to other stakeholders.
  • explain and apply the main theories, concepts, standards and best practices of the library and information professions.

  1. Subject knowledge and understanding
  2. The Master of Art in Library and Information Sciences offers a well-structured programme of learning through which you will acquire the theoretical and practical skills of the library and information science disciplines. The course is built in a way to cater if you are a newcomer in the sector seeking to build on your previous academic qualifications and specialise in libraries and information sector. The second year offers the opportunity to choose between:

    • Stream A - Library and Information Management
    • Stream B - Rare Books and Manuscripts.

    Stream A will equip students with the ability to deal with Library Management, School and Academic Librarianship, digital libraries, web and publishing trends.

    Stream B will provide them with strong knowledge in the manuscripts and rare books management, cataloguing, didactic aspects of libraries, Melitensia and a basic introduction to preservation skills.

    As a student of this Master, you will be able to:

    • Interpret the main theories and apply best practices of the library profession to become an active member of the international and information library community;
    • Outline the local dimensions of the Maltese libraries and information providing sources with its peculiarities and place it in the international context.

  3. Intellectual development
  4. This course will challenge you to embrace the library profession and apply such knowledge and skills to the field. By the end of the course, you will be able to:

    • Analyse the main concepts, theories, and standards applicable to the library and information domain
    • Apply best practices in the field of managing, preserving, cataloguing collections, planning outreach activities, creating access and provide services to users
    • Categorize the panorama of Maltese libraries and information providing centres, and communicate its richness and diversity within the profession and to other stakeholders.

  5. Key/transferableskills
  6. By the end of this Masters, you will be able to:

    • Explain and apply the main theories, concepts, standards and best practices of the library and information professions;
    • Solve problems in the fields of information management which is chosen in the respective streams;
    • Communicate with different stakeholders, promoting access to and the correct use of information services and systems in specific contexts;
    • Categorize the variety of Maltese and international library/information centres contexts and assess how they are interrelated and interdependent.

    Moreover, this course will foster intellectual, analytical, critical and organizational skills that will be of value in any future career.

  7. Other skills
  8. Library and Information Sciences as a multidisciplinary field of study paves the way for a wide range of careers in different information centres, public administration and education. The course gives you a strong theoretical background, the opportunity to explore different methodologies, and apply best practices as part of a formation process aimed at shaping your future possibilities or current work.

    At the end of the qualification and as an eventual graduate, you will be able to:

    • Critically evaluate ideas and approaches applied in library and information management environments
    • Argue in favour of library and information management solutions especially in view of emerging technologies and new regulatory frameworks for information in published form creation and maintenance
    • Produce well-structured written policies and strategies for the vast arrays of publication creation and dissemination environments.

Furthermore, this Master aims to address an intellectual and cultural gap in Maltese society at a challenging moment when traditional and digital accessibility to learning sources and community services are assuming a more demanding approach. Libraries, archives and museums play an important role in the cultural and memory fabric of modern societies.

Non EU Applicants:

Total Tuition Fees: Eur 10,800
Yr 1: Eur 5,400 - Yr 2: Eur 5,400 - Yr 3: NIL

You are viewing the fees for non EU nationals. Switch to EU nationals if you are a national of any country from within the EU/EEA.

The course provides specialised and diversified knowledge in theory and practice-based library and information disciplines to work in public and private national and international institutions. Furthermore, you will be able to further your studies at doctoral level.

Humanities Stream


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